Meet the Artist

Suzan is an artist based in southern Oregon. Working from her home studio, she produces unique and highly collectible artwork that has a distinctive personal style.


“I create mosaic artwork using glass, metal, ceramic, semi-precious stone, recycled materials and other interesting and fun materials to form intricate design.  For many of my pieces I create a 3D substrate beginning with chicken wire, plaster and mortar. Using apoxy putty I am able to create a depth,  texture, and flow not found in traditional mosaics and enables me to create a woven tapestry that dances with color and light.  I enjoy adding a bit of whimsy and playfulness to each of my mosaic creations.  Although mosaics are my main focus at this time, I also produce abstract oil paintings and fused glass pieces.”


Suzan now creates mostly mosaic art, but she has had quite a journey getting here. Suzan has a BS in Psychology and an MS in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.  After working for several years as a Computer System Engineer, she left corporate America, had a son, moved to Sedona, AZ and decided to explore who she was as an artist. She started by taking a drawing class from the local community center, followed by painting, and finally taught herself fused glass.  She quickly established herself in the glass industry and showed her glass art in 3 galleries in the Sedona area.

When it was time to leave Sedona in 2017, she left her numerous kilns, glass working equipment, glass, and pretty much everything behind. It was time to move on; time to explore something new.  For a brief time, she resided in Colorado and developed a new mosaic style. She taught herself how to make substrates that flowed. Using non-traditional adhesives and materials which she found to be colorful and playful allowed her to use mosaic materials in a new way. Suzan found herself in a new journey, but felt unsettled.

In 2020, Suzan moved to Ruch in Southern Oregon in the beautiful Applegate Valley where she finally found her home not only physically, but also artistically with a new glass kiln and both an outdoor and indoor studio where she has plenty of room to explore new mosaic forms and sculptures and  continue her fused glass adventure, adding a few splashes of paint as she goes.

Suzan K Hatch